My title was borrowed from WAYNE W. DYER who was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. I wanted something to frame “perspective” and this fitted beautifully.
In my work schedule I have a “gentle” reminder to publish a blog or marketing update every few weeks in a few social media outlets and the Anything is Possible web site. I am not a natural marketeer and 90% of work for Anything is Possible is via referrals, clients moving to new companies or repeat business so there is little pull for me to do something I don’t find easy or enjoy. I have posted the occasional marketing video but haven’t found the right time/topic to write a blog for ages. In fact, I looked back and my last blog Finding courage after lockdown was published almost exactly one year ago.
During my 1-2-1 mentoring sessions I often give the advice not to rush, not to let worry or anxiety drive action but to try and sit for a while and let things just “be”– the right time will come if you reflect and have the courage to take your time. Perhaps that’s what I have been doing – following my own advice and now I find myself looking at the importance of perspective.
My work balance since leaving corporate life 7 years ago has had two phases: one up to 5 years post corporate life where I worked hard to establish Anything is Possible, build up clients (both corporate and private) and looked to establish a reputation. That first phase was almost as busy as corporate life but very much less familiar. The benefits were being home all the time so not missing key events, working only on things I am passionate about and discovering the joy of solo working as an introvert.
Phase two has been very different for me – it’s most definitely been a phase driven by perspective and that’s made the adjustments extremely easy. Sometimes we need something to happen in our lives to give us perspective. Beyond the obvious example of COVID, another example is the current heatwave in the UK to remind us all of the need for personal and governmental changes to help avoid the impact of global warming. The news has certainly given a new perspective to the impact of extreme weather in the UK. Perspective can also be because of being made redundant, meeting a new person, visiting a new country/place or illness or a death of a family member or friend. For me perspective is an attitude adjustment.
My adjustments for this second phase have been around reducing my working commitments to fit with spending extra time with my partner and more regular time with our Mums (neither are just around the corner), reviewing finances (including wills, powers of attorney, pensions and other joyous topics of which I have little passion) in order to really understand income versus expenditure versus choice. My new perspective has provided much more of a plan than I have had previously (I’ve been an expert at spontaneity). Interestingly, I don’t feel less able to be spontaneous or more structured – instead perspective has provided absolute clarity on what I WON’T be doing.
Knowing what I do not want to do has been the major contributing factor to making phase two extremely easy as it makes decision making very straightforward. I’ve struggled most of my professional life with an inability to say “no” – I think I like to be a helper too much and that’s resulted in me not always having the best balance. With my new found DON’T/WON’T approach it’s easier for me to appreciate WHY I’m making new choices and the positive impact they will have (even if it is saying no to something). Perspective has not only made me see what/who is really important but it’s reenergised me and I have even more desire to do a great job for the people I work with. It’s reenforced the importance of the work I do and the positive impact I can have on others. I may be doing less but it feels like I’m giving more.
Perhaps when you have some time to yourself and time to reflect you can think about which experiences and memories create your perception. Can you find a new awareness of what is, rather than what you believed previously? You may not find a life changing answer but this isn’t a onetime reflection exercise – it’s much more of a life-long process. Personally I find it empowering to know that almost anything in life can be adjusted with a change of perception.